Our offers Flash sale for your holiday Our offers Flash sale for your holiday

Flash sale for your holiday

Up to 50% discount

Offer available up until 10th june, exceptional exclusive sale up to 50%* discount. Only 7 days to take advantage of our great offers by the sea, in the Dordogne countryside, in Spain, in Italy! See our discounted prices!

For more information on our campsites, accommodation and availabilities, contact us
by calling 00 33 252 200 126, or by email at info@vagues-oceanes.com


(*) Offer available up until 10th june at midnight. Consult our slashed prices. Subject to availability, non retro active and cannot be combined with any other offer.  Holidays booked in the Exclusive Sale are non refundable.  In accordance to article L 121-20-4 of the consumer code, there is no retraction  delay rights  for this Flash Sale.